Customer John Waltz took his travel guitar with him on a humanitarian medical mission. John was able to comfort and uplift patients with music, spreading love for those in need. Read his account below:

Spreading Good with my KLOS in Guatemala
I was stoked to learn that I had been accepted to be a part of a medical team to travel to Guatemala, building wheelchairs for many who were unable to walk and who live in extreme poverty. I was not stoked to learn that I would not be able to check luggage as the organization needed all that space to bring surgical supplies. I really wanted to bring a guitar for self-entertainment, but also to facilitate some Spanish Worship music if possible, and now it seemed unlikely.
I researched to find out if I could buy one in Guatemala and then bring it home, but that was a dead end. The Facebook ads for the KLŌS Carbon Fiber Travel Guitar caught my eye. As a left-handed guitar player, I'm used to rolling the dice and buying guitars based on reviews and recommendations without being able to play them, and so the dice were rolled! I was able to save some money by purchasing a blemished second as well, and truly, I couldn't tell it had flaws. I also got the extra Gig Bag/Case for portability once I arrived.
When it arrived and I assembled it, I was pretty jazzed at the ease of assembly and the solid feel of it.
The neck felt full size, the intonation was great, and the sound was pretty good relative to the body size. I immediately checked to make sure it would fit in my carry on suitcase and found it would work perfectly!

I brought it to the Hospital where we were working every day to be able to play on breaks. I had started a conversation about worship music with a young woman working in our group named Sylvia, a wheelchair user herself. It turned out she had a beautiful voice and knew most of the Spanish worship songs I had brought with me. We played and sang in the post-op waiting areas, and sometimes in the clinic.
The magic moment was when we found the chapel at the hospital with tile floors, hard walls, and ceiling. It was literally an amplifier room. The KLOS travel guitar sounded huge, and several people drifted in to sing along. So glad to have had that experience, and it could not have happened without my KLOS workhorse travel guitar on this trip.