When KLOS first announced their Kickstarter campaign for their original carbon fiber ukulele, Greg was one of the first few to sign up for KLOS’s virtually indestructible 4-string wonder. Months later, his new favorite ukulele arrived and it has been his primary uke ever since, accompanying Greg when he plays at jams, meetups, and festivals.
When COVID hit, all in-person ukulele events quickly came to an end. And because players were missing a venue to play, learn, and socialize, Greg took to the internet and converted in-person meetups to an online format. A free weekly show was created, offering scrolling chords and lyrics, notable guests from the ukulele world, tutorials, and a chance for a growing audience to socialize with fellow uke players around the country and world. But it has become more than a show... it has become a community, with friendships forming based on the bond of music.

So, if you are looking for a little fun on Wednesdays, you can tune into Ukulele Gent’s weekly online jam to be part of that community — and see Greg’s go-to KLOS in action.