From Donny: "I’ve loved music from the moment I was born. As soon as I could talk my parents say that I was memorizing lyrics and singing at the top of my lungs any chance I got. When I was 15 I asked my dad for a guitar and he took me to a local music shop to get my first electric guitar and small amplifier. Since that moment I’ve basically always had a guitar in close proximity."

"I’ve traveled all over the world and music is always the thing that can bridge the gap when language fails. This is partly why I chose a KLŌS guitar, traveling with a nice instrument can be a terrifying experience but with the collapsible neck and carbon fiber body the majority of those worries are erased."

"I recently brought my KLOS on a six week sailing adventure in the Sea of Cortez and where other guitars would have likely warped from the constant humidity my guitar stayed in tune the whole time and when I returned to land it played like new after just a new set of strings."