After a 16+ year hiatus from performing music, Diane regained her love of playing & singing during the pandemic, and spending copious amounts time locked down with a ukulele. Having studied woodwind instruments (saxophone, flute & clarinet) in the jazz performance program at Humber College in Toronto, Canada many years earlier, a career not in the music industry pulled her attention away from her favourite artistic outlet. She is now back, self-taught on the ukulele, and performing to anyone who will listen. With the belief that music can make the world a better place, Diane is “busking for a cure” to raise money for cancer research, a cause close to her heart. Splitting time in both Canada & the USA, a versatile, rugged instrument is essential for a busy lifestyle where a happy tune might need to be played anywhere, and the KLOS carbon fiber ukulele will be an integral part of a busy lifestyle. Diane enjoys spending time in nature, amongst the birds & the ticks at her 10 acre “off grid” property on the shores of Lake Ontario, singing to entertain the nearby deer & coyotes. When not playing music, Diane enjoys kayaking, paddle-boarding, cycling and rollerblading long distances.